(von http://www.keqms.co.uk/)



That’s the theme this week (Sept 26-30) for students who are attending an international science seminar at school.KEQMS is the venue for the 9th science seminar involving students from the Siebold Gymnasium in Wurzburg, Germany, the Nemcove School in Hradec Kralove in the Czech Republic and the host school.

The week-long seminars are held annually on a rota basis in each of the three countries and this will be the third occasion on which KEQMS plays host to Czech and German students, all aged 14 and 15.

Science teacher Steve Matthews is making the arrangements for the 24 strong seminar and has devised a demanding schedule.

“The week will be a busy one,” he said, “with lectures, practical sessions and workshops, all on the topic of speed. There are aspects of chemistry, physics and biology involved and there will be final presentations from the teams of students about their research and findings on Friday morning.

As well as the work in school we are visiting the radio telescope at Jodrell Bank and of course there is the obligatory ride on the Big One at Blackpool!”

Jan Sterba, Principal of the Nemcove School, feels that his students are benefiting from their visit in many ways.

“Our students and the Germans face the challenge of speaking and listening to English all the time and of establishing good relationships with the family who are hosting them. It is a great experience for them.”

German student Eva Koubek from the Siebold Gymnasium has enjoyed seeing a different way of life. “On the day first it seemed strange that all the Lytham pupils wear the same uniform,” she said

Czech Jakub Horacek from Hradec Kralove believes that all the visitors will improve their English during the week.“English is the world-wide language for science,” he said, “but it is hard work having to think in English for 24 hours a day! I am enjoying the science work very much and it is a good idea for us to work in international teams.”

Principal Robert Karling believes that the science seminars are an excellent way of giving his students an international dimension.

“Over the past nine years nearly 100 KEQMS students and a dozen staff have been involved and each seminar has been very helpful in widening the vision of all concerned. We are delighted to be the hosts this year.”